Earth - Prithvi

At certain position in the womb of the earth, south - north magnet and the earth's gravitational force of the earth has an impact on all living and non-living substances. Consisting of earth and other elements vital-statistics that us started. That is called Mother Earth. So the building - construction is particularly important element in the earth.

Water - Jal

Water is the most important element on earth. Creature, or vegetation, no one can survive without water. Water is our life that infuses new consciousness. Location of water in the house should be in the right direction.

Fire - Agni

The major source of energy is the sun. Heat from the sun received, is a form of fire. The light is generated by fire. And we can see is dominated by light. That is the basic element of importance to fire. Absolute fire light energy from the sun gives us. Rational combination of fire in residential home should be enjoyable.

Air - Vayu

Living material (human, animal, etc.) receive life from the air. If dirt remains in the northeast of the building, shooting him carbon dioxide, nitrogen and other essential gas diffuses cosmic rays of morning sun will contaminate. The air element from the infinite powers of humanity is a priceless gift.

Sky - Akash

The sky is a fundamental element. Due to zero in the sky and environment and through the air, sound occurs. Sky provided the gift of sound that has enriched our lives. Height of the wall leads us to the heavens in the house. If the walls of the houses are small, the inhabitants will feel suffocated.


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